Grails Diary - Week 35 in 2015

31 August 2015

Another week has passed, this time with lots of blog posts from MrHaki, a few new releases, and lots of other stuff.

Support for Grails 3 is now underway in IntelliJ. You can even suggest features that you would find necessary. ? Daniil Ovchinnikov from Jetbrains has commented on the issue: "I've implemented basic code completion (and navigation), ability to run/debug applications, ability to run grails commands, editor buttons (navigation between controllers/domains/etc) and Grails tool window, but I haven't pushed it to EAP yet because it's under testing. While I'm preparing above list to be released, please let me know what else features of Grails 3 to you want/expect to be supported?"
The Grails team at OCI, is hiring! Send resume to

The Gradle team is ready with the first release candidate for Gradle 2.7. It fixes a performance issue with the wrapper, if generated with Gradle 2.6 - and you are recommended to regenerate the wrapper. This release comes with improvements for building Play 2.4 application, to the Gradle TestKit and added support for HTTP authentication scheme for repositories. More details can be found in the release notes

Peter Ledbrook has started working on a Groovy cheat sheet/Groovy syntax quick reference guide. It looks promising, and should maybe be included in the official documentation. Peter welcomes feedback, and you can find the source here, in case your feedback is a pull request ;)

As I'm writing this, the Ratpack team has not yet released version 1.0, but all issues are closed on the release-1.0.0 milestone, and the date for the release is September 1st. Congrats for making it so far!

Grain, the static website building framework for Groovy, is ready in release 0.6.6, now with support for dynamic versions

Grooscript has selebrated its 3 years birthday!


The call for papers to the Groovy Grails Exchange in London this December is now open. It will close within a few weeks, so submit now! Notice the conference this year is Monday and Tuesday!


Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Grails 3 Plugins

Updated Grails 3 Plugins

  • mail (2.0.0.RC2) Grails mail plugin
  • ember-asset-pipeline (2.5.0) Compiles hbs or handlebars files for the asset-pipeline into the Ember.TEMPLATES cache

Updated Grails 2 Plugins

Interesting Tweets


Conferences and meetups