Grails Diary - Week 37 in 2015

15 September 2015

This weeks Grails Diary is straight from SpringOne2gx, where the news are generated all the time, and this edition contains lots of new releases, articles (MrHaki spoils us) and other news.

The Grails team are working fast these days, and releases are flowing, aided by the GRails release process in now fully automated in the Travis build. Three releases has been made the last week, and are the two bugfix releases 3.0.6 and 3.0.7, and the first milestone for 3.1.0.M1. The 3.1.0 milestone improves the REST profile and JSON output, and all the releases are of course available on GVM.
On the brink of SpringOne2gx, a press release was issued on Pivotal and OCI joining forces to support Grails, but the content is more a reminder that Pivotal is not the enemy (they did sponsor both Groovy and Grails full time developers for a long time)

Gradle has finalized the 2.7 release, providing support for Play 2.4, and more. You are right, it is available on GVM.

The 1.0 release of Ratpack is now a reality! Congrats to the team! The release notes are here. The Learning Ratpack book should go into early relase (the first 4 chapters) around now.

Marco Vermuelen has worked on the Groovy Scala extension module, and released version 0.2 and 0.3. Version 0.2 supports maps, and version 0.3 dynamically enhances Scala Futures. Spock testing of Scala code just became even easier!

The Lazybones templates for Groovy/Android development Grooid-templates has been updated, fixing a few bugs.
Mario García has also posted the slides and code from his talk on "Android apps with Groovy" from the Madrid GUG

Congrats to Griffon on the 7 year birthday.

The Grailsconf India will join the family of GR8conf conferences (US and EU). The call for papers are open a few days more. I will be speaking there this january (16th), on testning with Geb.
Also open a few days more CFP for Groovy Grails Exchange.


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New Grails 3 Plugins

Updated Grails 3 Plugins

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