Grails Diary - Week 37 in 2014

15 September 2014

Just returned from SpringOne2gx, there is plenty of news from the Groovy and Grails community in this weeks Grails Diary.

The conference offered plenty of great talks, and slides for many talks are already available. I have included some of them below. Graeme made a demo of Grails 3, which will be a complete rewrite of the framework, now based on Spring Boot. Most of the existing plugins needs to be updated to work with Grails 3, but since Grails is switching to Gradle, some will be automatically replaced by existing Gradle plugins. Deprecated features will also be removed, the documentation written in asciidoctor, and there will be a compatibility package to help migrate from Grails 2. It created a lot of activity on twitter, but unfortunately it is not expected to be ready before next year.
One of the best talks I attended, was Grame presenting 'Making Spring Boot Groovier', which really made me want to try Spring Boot (the Groovy way). All talks have been recorded and most are online for the conference guests already, and are hopefully released through the comming months, as there are a lots of excellent material, and the videos are of a nice qualyty (both sound and video). is back online including a new look.

Marco Vermuelen, who is behind the GVM tool, is asking a relevant question in this survey: Survey: should Groovy be (Lite) binary or full Distribution with source & docs on GVM?

You can now play with Grooscript online with the new online converter. A new release is comming up, so do report any errors on Github


Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

All videos from JavaZone 2014 are available already at JavaZones vimeo stream. Some are in Norwegian, but there are many Java related talks in there in English.

Blogs, Articles, etc.

Slides from talks at SpringOne2GX

New Plugins

  • Spectrum Plugin Grails plugin containing assets for Spectrum, the no-hassle colorpicker.

Updated Plugins

  • Websocket Chat Plugin Default WebSocket Multi-chat room plugin, supports Admin privilages, kicking banning users. Webcam support for chrome/firefox.
  • AWS SDK Plugin The AWS SDK Plugin allows your Grails application to use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services. It provides simple wrapper service around the official AWS SDK
  • Console Plugin A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging
  • Rabbitmq Native Plugin The native RabbitMQ Grails plugin provides easily consumable messaging functionality.
  • RestApiDoc Plugin The RestApiDoc plugin allows to document your Grails Rest API. Thanks to some Annotations (@), you will be ready to build a full API report (with a playground to perform test request). The plugin is based on
  • Asynchronous Mail Plugin The plugin realises asynchronous mail sending. It stores messages in the DB and sends them asynchronously by the quartz job.
  • Fields Plugin Customizable form-field rendering based on overrideable GSP template
  • Time Series Redis Plugin Redis implementation of time series.
  • Hd Image Utils Plugin High quality image manipulation plugin, for scaling and cropping images. Uses the pure Java java-image-scaling library

Interesting Tweets


Conferences and meetups

Gr8Ladies Monthly Meetup, Minneapolis, USA, October 6th, 2014
Groovy Grails Exchange, London - GB, December 12th - 13th, 2014 (CFP until Sep. 22nd.)
G48, global, TBD
GR8conf Europe, Copenhagen - Denmark, June 2nd -4th, 2015.
SpringOne 2GX 2015, Washington - USA, September 14th - 17th, 2014.