Grails Diary - Week 41 in 2014

14 October 2014

This week has been a great week for Groovy related releases!

The Spring Boot team has released both version 1.1.8 and 1.2.0.M2, with a security patch. Both versions are available through GVM.

Grooscript, for turning Groovy code into Javascript was released in version 0.6.1.

The static website building framework Grain is out in version 0.6.2, with better support of themes that use plain CSS and better handling of large files

Gretty, the feature-rich gradle plugin for running web-apps on embedded servlet containers is out in version 1.1.4. It now supports Gradle 1.10-2.1, and other new features can be found in the list of changes

In the tooling department, the Spring Tool Suite & Groovy/Grails Tool Suite 3.6.2 have been released. It now runs on Eclipse Luna SR1 and Gradle 2.1 has been adopted, more in the release notes

Andres Almiray has pointed to a new tool: Grengine, for running and embedding Groovy in a Java VM. And he also notes that the first Griffon 2.0.0 plugin has appeared: griffon-shiro 1.0.0

The GR8conf Europe team has meet to brainstrom and plan next years conference. Thanks to Aage and Christian from the crew, that takes a break from organizing and welcome to Martin and Niels Jørgen thaat joins. If you have any suggestions for the conference, you are encouraged to let us know. If you are interested in sponsoring the conference - please contact us.

Need an excuse:


Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Slides from presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Plugins

  • Sitemapper Autogeneration of sitemaps, see for more information about sitemaps.
  • GR8 CRM Order Management UI This plugin is a companion plugin to the crm-order plugin. It provides a Twitter Bootstrap based user interface for order management in GR8 CRM applications.
  • GR8 CRM Order Management Services Simple order management for GR8 CRM. This plugin provides the "headless" part of GR8 CRM order management (i.e domains and services). The companion plugin crm-order-ui provides the user interface for order management.
  • Logentries Plugin This plugin provides integration with Logentries (
  • Grails err-buddy Plugin Err-buddy Grails client, and LogAppender
  • LESS Hat for Asset-Pipeline Provides LESS Hat support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • Cascade Validation Plugin Establishes a 'cascade' constraint property for validateable objects. If "cascade:true" is set on a nested object, the nested object's validate() method will be invoked and the results will be reported as part of the parent object's validation.Based on a blog post by Eric Kelm: with permission.
  • Grails Wechat Plugin Grails plugin provides wechat integration features.

Updated Plugins

  • Selfie Plugin Selfie is a Grails Image / File Upload Plugin. Use Selfie to attach files to your domain models, upload to a CDN, validate content, produce thumbnails.
  • SeedMe Plugin Implements a standard convention for adding seed data to your application.
  • Clover Code Coverage for Grails A plugin that integrates Clover into GRAILS projects. Clover is a Code Coverage tool that produces beautiful reports which are highly configurable and extensible. Clover not only reports which lines of code were executed during a test run, it also reports which tests hit which lines of code. Clover's reports include: Tag Clouds of your entire project that compare Complexity with Coverage A TreeMap to visualise the most complex, uncovered areas of your project Fully Cross Referenced HTML view...
  • Sitemapper Autogeneration of sitemaps, see for more information about sitemaps.
  • Dynamic Db Config Property Plugin This plugin provides your application the ability to change the config properties without restarting the application. The values in Config.groovy are persisted in database and a set of interfaces manages frequently-used properties.
  • Novamail Plugin The Novamail plug-in provides e-mail sending and retrieving capabilities to a Grails application. It is also capable of sending emails asynchronously by using a scheduled Job.
  • Resources HTML resource management enhancements to replace g.resource etc.
  • Karman Plugin Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local and S3.
  • GR8 CRM Order Management UI This plugin is a companion plugin to the crm-order plugin. It provides a Twitter Bootstrap based user interface for order management in GR8 CRM applications.
  • GR8 CRM Order Management Services Simple order management for GR8 CRM. This plugin provides the "headless" part of GR8 CRM order management (i.e domains and services). The companion plugin crm-order-ui provides the user interface for order management.
  • Spud Blog Plugin Provides Blog / News functionality for Spud
  • AWS SDK Plugin The AWS SDK Plugin allows your Grails application to use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services. It provides simple wrapper service around the official AWS SDK
  • Unified Selection The selection plugin provides unified selection of information.It uses a URI based syntax to select any information from any resource.Grails plugins can add custom search providers.Example 1: gorm://person/list?name=Gr%25Example 2: ldap:dc=my-company&dc=com&cn=usersExample 3: bean://myService/methodExample 4:
  • Logentries Plugin This plugin provides integration with Logentries (
  • Facebook SDK Plugin The Facebook SDK Plugin allows your Grails application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect). It is a port of the official Facebook PHP SDK to Grails 2.0.
  • Grails err-buddy Plugin Err-buddy Grails client, and LogAppender
  • LESS Hat for Asset-Pipeline Provides LESS Hat support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • Console Plugin A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging
  • Build Test Data Plugin Enables the easy creation of test data by automatic inspection of constraints. Any properties that are required have their constraints examined and a value is automatically provided for them.
  • OohLaLog Plugin Grails Oohlalog Log4j Appender for Passing logs to the oohlalog API.
  • RESTful API Plugin The resful-api plugin facilitates exposing a non-trivial, versioned RESTful API. The plugin provides a DSL that may be used to declaratively specify how resources should be marshalled. Please see the for details.
  • Browser Detection Plugin This plugin helps you detect browsers, versions, language and operating systems from the request headers.
  • jawr Grails plugin jawr grails plugin
  • Grails Runtime Docs Grails Runtime Docs is a Grails Documentation Tool that generates API documentation of the project from runtime including the dynamic methods and properties.
  • Cascade Validation Plugin Establishes a 'cascade' constraint property for validateable objects. If "cascade:true" is set on a nested object, the nested object's validate() method will be invoked and the results will be reported as part of the parent object's validation.Based on a blog post by Eric Kelm: with permission.
  • Grails FilterPane Plugin This plugin adds automatic and customizable filtering capabilities to any Grails application's list views.
  • Websocket Chat Plugin Default WebSocket Multi-chat room plugin, supports Admin privilages, kicking banning users. Webcam support for chrome/firefox. WebRTC (audio/video) support 0.24+

Interesting Tweets


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