Grails Diary - Week 22 and 23 in 2015 - GR8conf Special Edition

09 June 2015

This is a special two week edition of the Grails Diary, as I skipped last week due to the last preparations for GR8conf EU. And what a couple of weeks! I have dedicated a section of the diary to GR8conf, so first a bit of news from the Groovy ecosystem.

The issue tracker for Grails are now ported to Github issues.

The GVM tool is in a transformation process, to be more general and support everything for SDK. After a vote, the new name appears to become SDKman

JBake. for static generation of blogs, has been released in version 2.4.0, with the largest number of issues closed for a feature release ever. The release notes has a long list of both features and bugs fixed. Griffon was released live on stage at GR8conf, version 2.3.0 includes a new version of Groovy, new AST transforms and much more. Version 1.3.1 of SwissKnife for Groovy Android development released, now with Resource injection and better Parcelables for lists and inheritance. A bugfix release for Spring boot has also seen daylight, now in version 1.2.4

OCI, the sponsor of Grails has hired Dave Klein and Colin Harrington to join the Grails team.

The 13th version of the Groovy Podcast with Ken Kousin and Baruch Sadogursky has aired, with a live discussion of the news in the Groovy Ecosystem - and the Grails Diary mentioned :) The next episode could feature all tree hosts in the same timezone!

Jorge has added examples for Grooscript on Create a Rest API fake in Groovy, using javascript npm modules (faker and json-server) and DSL using google maps api . Input for how debugging Grooscript should be handled can be placed in this Github issue

Jennifer Strater has updated the website for the Groovy GR8ladies


Gr8conf EU - Braindump, slides and more

GR8conf EU 2015 was a huge experience for me personally, debuting as a conference speaker, making a huge screwup in a food order and learning lots of new stuff. So - for those that attended, I'm very sorry for the barbecue had to be replaced with indian food and the annoying delay (I had missed the date by a month when ordering). Thanks also to Jennifer fom the cool GR8ladies T-shirt!

Of things that worked really well this year, seen from the organizing view was the wifi worked without problems this year, lots of great presentations, all 4 beers turned out to be fantastic, and we had our first successfull live-streamed keynote! Again thanks to to sponsors (Nine (Platinum sponsor), OCI, To the New Digital and all partner sponsors), without you the conference was not possible!

The date you should reserve for next year is 7th to 9th of June (not july!)

On the University day, I gave a beginners workshop introducing the attendees to Grails 3, most attendees spend the full 3 hours working on a Conference application, and it was hard to get them to take a break, even for coffee and cake. On the first conference day, I gave a short talk on 'Lessons Learned Teaching a Groovy/Grails Course', and I was surprised how many showed up, since it was taking place in the lunch break. Later I gave a full length talk on using Geb with Grails (2 and 3). If you attended, please rate the talks and the conference, so we have some feedback for next years edition.

My work was featured in Sergio del Amo's - newsletter :) and you can find links for the slides below

The Geb stickers was sponsored by Geb project lead Marcin Erdmann - thank you once again (I owe beer)

Some of the best talks I attended was Jeff Scott Brown taking the audience on a tour of 'Grails Under the Hood', with examples of the metaprogramming used, Göran Erhsson displaying the GR8crm series of 'Event-driven plugins with Grails 3', Ryan demoing Groovy on the Lego robots and Noam Tenne describing the internal structure of bintray in 'The Great Migration'. The Groovy Puzzlers was as always extremely entertaining! The talks I missed, and I will study once the videos are released include Andres Almiray's 'Gradle Glam: Plugins Galore', and Jorge Francos talk on 'Grooscript', and Burts talks (all 3).

Andres also pulled guite a show releasing Griffon 2.3 released live on stage! And the Hackergarten was a success! Thank you Burt for supporting the group hacking on the Spring Security plugin I attended. Quite a few contributions was produced as a whole.

Mila Kameneva has posted a large album with cool photos from the conference

Slides from some of the talks are here

Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Plugins

  • Slack Logger Slack Logger is a custom log4j appender which logs directly to a Slack channel.

Updated Plugins

  • AWS SDK Plugin The AWS SDK Plugin allows your Grails application to use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services. It provides simple wrapper service around the official AWS SDK
  • Spring Security Core Plugin Spring Security Core plugin
  • AWS Instance Utilizes a single (thread-safe) AWS Client Instance to access AWS Services: SES, SQS, DynamoDB, S3, Mobile Analytics
  • Grails Postgresql Extensions Plugin This plugin provides hibernate user types to support for Postgresql Native Types like Array, HStore, JSON,… as well as new criterias to query this native types
  • Asset Pipeline Plugin The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript.
  • Jenjir plugin Plugin to interact with Jenkins : do real time builds. View build version history of a given job, derive summary information. Push Summary to Jira.
  • Cookie Session Plugin The Cookie Session plugin enables grails applications to store session data in http cookies between requests instead of in memory on the server. This allows application deployments to be more stateless which supports simplified scaling architectures and fault tolerance.
  • GR8 CRM Order Management UI This plugin is a companion plugin to the crm-order plugin. It provides a Twitter Bootstrap based user interface for order management in GR8 CRM applications.
  • GR8 CRM Order Management Services Simple order management for GR8 CRM. This plugin provides the "headless" part of GR8 CRM order management (i.e domains and services). The companion plugin crm-order-ui provides the user interface for order management.
  • Ajax Dependancy Selection Plugin Defines next auto completion/selection form field values ensuring it is bound on previous auto completed/selected form field. This can be used on two or more objects of hasMany and belongsTo. Provides: g:autocomplete, g:autoCompletePrimary, g:autoCompleteSecondary, g:autoCompleteSecondaryNR, g:selectPrimary, g:selectSecondary , g:selectSecondaryNR & g:selectController. g:selectAutoComplete and g:selectPrimaryNR. Now also supporting 1 object with multiple dependencies.
  • Scaffold Angular Plugin Generates a working demo with Angular frontend and REST backend.
  • Scaffold Core Plugin Core functionality for scaffolding own tempates or templates provided by plugin. e.g. grails-scaffold-extjs
  • Vaadin 7 Plugin Grails plugin integrating Vaadin 7 into the Grails project.
  • Slack Logger Slack Logger is a custom log4j appender which logs directly to a Slack channel.
  • Recurly Plugin Recurly Grails API.

Interesting Tweets


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