Grails Diary - Week 39 in 2015

28 September 2015

This week features a new Grails release, a new Groovy release, 12 blogs by Mr. Haki, and lots more!

Grails 3.0.8 was released this week, and the release notes state: " improvements around Events, including the addition of firing GORM events consumable asynchronously". The release upgrades Spring Boot to 1.2.6, and there are a lot of other fixes included, including appending ?showSource=true now works again in development mode.

The Groovy team also released the 2.4.5 version of Apache Groovy. This release comes with a series of bugfixes and a handful improvements, as the Changelog reveals.

Both releases of Groovy and Grails are available on Sdkman, which itself it released in version 3.0.3, featuring improved $PATH handling and improved upgrade for login shells.

I ordered the early release version of both Learning Ratpack and Spock: Up and Running. Both look very promising, and I hope to find the time to study them more in depth. The Spock book will be recommended reading for all members on my team!

You don't have to wait until the new SPA profile is ready with the Grails 3.1 release, if you want to test Grails 3 with Angular 2. Craig Burke has made a proof of concept app, which you can clone

The Jax London Conference team has made an analysis of the top social influencers in Java, based on twitter accounts, and Groovy programming language project lead Guillaume Laforge ranks 7th on the list! Congrats Guillaume!

If you like me loves sarcastic dry (and a bit grumpy) humor, you should consider following @Gradlephant, the Grumpy Gradlephant.


Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Grails 3 Plugins

Updated Grails 3 Plugins

  • cassandra (4.0.6) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework
  • hibernate ( GORM - Grails Data Access Framework
  • mongodb (4.0.6) GORM for MongoDB
  • neo4j (4.0.6) GORM - Grails Data Access Framework
  • scaffolding (3.1.2) Grails scaffolding plugin

New Grails 2 Plugins

  • Cache Headers Filter Plugin Servlet filter for setting HTTP cache headers on HTTP responses. Plugin implementation is based on cache-headers plugin but it allows setting cache headers for any resource, not only for controller responses.
  • Google Drive Plugin Brief summary/description of the plugin.
  • Spring Session Grails Plugin Provides support for SpringSession project
  • UberDoc - Rest-API Documentation uberDoc is a very simple solution for creating API documentation based on annotations in domain objects and controllers, and Grails' message

Updated Grails 2 Plugins

  • Spud Cms Plugin Provides CMS functionality for Spud
  • Spud Blog Plugin Provides Blog / News functionality for Spud
  • Likeable Plugin Adds like functionality to domain classes. A light version of Rateable plugin
  • Xss Sanitizer Plugin Grails plugin for sanitizing XSS from the user input. This plugin uses OWASP ESAPI library to sanitize request parameters. This reduces the risk of dangerous XSS request parameters possibly being rendered on the client.
  • SeedMe Plugin Implements a standard convention for adding seed data to your application.
  • Cxf Client - Support for Soap Service Endpoints Used for easily calling soap web services. Provides wsdl2java grails target to easily generate code into src/java from configured cxf clients. Ability to dynamically update endpoint at runtime.
  • Handlebars Plugin Server-side rendering of Handlebars templates

Interesting Tweets


Conferences and meetups