Grails Diary - Week 41 in 2015

12 October 2015

This weeks Diary is a birthday edition, as the first Grails Diary was published October 13th 2013. In those two years, 97 editions of the Diary has been published. Luckily, I didn't call it weekly, that would have required 104 editions :)

Besides the great humor in a Spock VW extension, that passes all tests regardles of their real output, the article Spock VW: Writing Custom Spock Framework Extensions acts as a reminder how easy it is to write your own extension to Spock.

The windows installer for the latest Groovy version, 2.4.5, has been released. You can find it at Bintray

What a huge success the Gradle team is experiencing! Great hires, and impressive download figures:


Inspired by the Groovy Document builder for generating PDF or Word documents, Vladimír Oraný has created the Groovy Spreadsheet Builder, which provides a convenient way to create MS Excel OfficeOpenXML Documents (XSLX), including easy styling.

David Estes has updated a bunch of the Asset-pipeline plugins to version 2.6.0, due to a breaking change in sass-3.4.19.

Jon DeJong has posted an example Ratpack app, demoing a token based security for REST services in Groovy

For tips on "Idiomatic Gradle Plugin Writing", you can take a look at Schalk Cronjé's slides from the presentation of the same name

The call for papers to Greach is open. Submit your proposal for a talk on your favorite Groovy Ecosystem technology. The conference takes place in Madrid in Spain April 8th & 9th, 2016.


Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Grails 3 Plugins

Updated Grails 3 Plugins

Updated Grails 2 Plugins

  • AngularJS Template Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides AngularJS template support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • ReCaptcha support for Grails. Protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease. Version 1.0 of this plugin introduces support for the new "checkbox" ReCaptcha. Please use an older version if you require the legacy funct
  • Asset Autoprefixer Plugin Asset-Pipeline extension to call autoprefixer on less and css files
  • Spring Session Grails Plugin Provides support for SpringSession project
  • Audit Logging Plugin Automatically log change events for domain objects. The Audit Logging plugin additionally adds an instance hook to domain objects that allows you to hang Audit events off of them. The events include onSave, onChange, and onDelete. When called, the event handlers have access to oldObj and newObj definitions that will allow you to take action on what has changed.
  • Recurly Plugin Recurly Grails API.

Interesting Tweets


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