Grails Diary - Week 42 in 2015

20 October 2015

This week has offered updates from nearly everywhere in the Groovy Ecosystem!

Staring with Grails, it is afterall called the Grails Diary; Grails 3.0.9 was released, along with 2.5.2 and 3.1 M2. Grails 3.1 will provide really nice updates on profile handling, as you can see in the demo video from Graeme, or in the updated manual that has extensive coverage. As always, the releases are available on SDKMAN. Dan Woods pointed to this nice testimonial by @ejaz_ahmed from the Slack channel on why Grails and the community really kicks ass!

Ted Naleid has transferred ownership of the grails build-test-data plugin to Aaron Long, and a 3.0 compatible version should be in the works. Ted will continue his work on the Spackle project.

Marco has updated SDKMAN, to version 3.1.0, now providing the list command. If the update does no show by it self, you can run "sdk selfupdate force". The full documentation has all the details. The release also fixed a problem with tmux/screen. The forum for SDKMAN has moved from the old nabble one to a new at Gitter

The second release candidate for Gradle 2.8 is out, and available for testing.

The Groovy team is working hard on the version, which will include Macro support. The pull request from Sergei Egorov has been merged to the master branch for the 2.5.0 version. Cedric hopes someone will help to submit a PR to add support for hidipi screens to the GroovyConsole

Andres Almiray has released the very first version of Basilisk, which "brings high productivity and fun to mobile/desktop JavaFx application development". It is available on Bintray.

The Ratpack team has just released version 1.1.0. The release provides a bunch of new features, support for deferring the read of request bodies, dealing with OPTIONS requests with custom responses, hot reloading within the Groovy Console and much more. Andrey Adamovich posted code and slides from his talk "Ratpack - the core for your microservices" from JDD 2015 in Krakow.

Two Gradle plugins popped up this week, that I did not know before, Witness Plugin for detecting plugins that have newer versions, and jgitflow-gradle-plugin, which adds tasks to Gradle to support the Gitflow Workflow. Robert Winkler is interested in feadback for the later

To the New Digital has posted a few case studies on Grails projects for FullContact, E-avtal, and Blogmint


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