Grails Diary - Week 43 in 2015

26 October 2015

This week offers the first free videos from Spring One 2gx, a massive hiring spree by OCI, lots of blogs and a few releases!

OCI, the company sponsoring Grails now, just announced an impressive lineup of skilled developers to join their Grails team: Søren Glasius, Alvaro Sanchez , Zachary Klein, Allison F., Jim Kleeh, and Donal Murtagh. Congrats to you all!

The Gradle team has officially released gradle 2.8, performance improvements for large builds, Gradle Testkit updates, Groovy updated to 2.4.4, and CodeNarc to 0.24.1. More can be found in the release notes.

Ratpack is out with a patch release, recommended for everyone running version 1.1.0, the 1.1.1 release fixes a bug, that could cause requests to hang in dev mode.

Groovy has gained popularity after joining the Apache foundation. The monthly downloads have doubled since then, as reported by Guillaume in this Restlet blog post

SdkMan is also out with a couple of patches, now in version 3.2.3, (update using 'sdk selfupdate force). Remember you can join the SdkMan conversation on Gitter

There are a few Gradle plugins that caught my attention this week.
Shazam has open sourced a plugin called Tocker, which they use to ease Docker integration with our automated tests. It can assist in creating Docker containers, and start and stop those as part of a build.
? Schalk Cronjé has released Groovy VFS 1.0-beta4, a DSL for Groovy on top of Apache VFS2, for easy filesystem operation on remote files.
And Craig Burke is making progress in a more general version of his Jasmine Gradle plugin He Welcomes feedback, so I hope he will do a blog post with plenty of examples ;)

The call for papers are open for Greach 2016, you have until January 18th, but why not just do it now! Tickets are available for the first edition of GR8conf India, the former Grailsconf India, in New Delhi this January. Early bird prices end November 15th.


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Updated Grails 3 Plugins

Updated Grails 2 Plugins

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