Grails Diary - Week 44

03 November 2013

Groovy was updated to 2.1.9 last tuesday, with a couple of bugfixes. 2.2.0-rc-2 is also available

The Gradle exchange at Skills Matter was held during the week, and they have already published all the skillsCasts.

The Grails48 hackathon, now G48 has become part of who have the declared mission: "to create excitement, awareness, and adoption of Groovy based technologies." .

Blogs, articles etc.

New Plugins

  • Grails Bugsnag Plugin Integrates the bugsnag error reporting client and automatically reports exceptions to the bugsnag service.
  • Smartionary Plugin Facilitates externalizing a Map into a Domain, so that an app can support both programmatic and administrative modification of variable data.
  • Grails Locale Configuration Plugin Smart locale resolver to enhance the handling of the Grails localization (i18n).The plugin allows you to specify supported languages and a default language, e.g. if the requested language is not supported.
  • Delayed Datasources Plugin Reconfigures and replaces datasource handling with versions that do not require a database on startup. Requires some changes to datasource config, which this plugin will attempt to apply automatically and fail fast if this doesn't work

Updated Plugins

  • Finite State Machine behaviour for domain classes This plugin allow definition of simple workflows attached to domain classes, including states, events, transitions and conditions. Current workflow's state will be held in domain class' property that must be defined. Multiple workflows can be defined on every domain class.
  • Plugin Bootstrap CSS framework resource files Provides Bootstrap CSS framework resour
  • Ajax Dependancy Selection Plugin Defines next auto completion/selection form field values ensuring it is bound on previous auto completed/selected form field. This can be used on two or more objects of hasMany and belongsTo. 
  • JQuery EasyUI from Grails Supplies jQuery EasyUI resources and taglibs. Depends on jQuery EasyUI plugin. See
  • Squeaky Clean Plugin Adds clean-all script to do a super clean
  • JMX Plugin Adds JMX support and provides the ability to expose services and other Spring beans as MBeans
  • A HTML5 drag and drop multi-file upload plugin A HTML5 drag and drop multi-file upload plugin
  • jQuery UI Plugin Simply supplies jQuery UI resources, depends on jQuery plugin. Use this plugin to avoid resource duplication and conflicts.
  • Grails FilterPane Plugin This plugin adds automatic and customizable filtering capabilities to any Grails application's list views.
  • Standalone App Runner Runs a Grails application as a JAR file with an embedded Tomcat or Jetty server
  • Asset Pipeline Plugin The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. 
  • Plugin The Plugin allows your Grails application to use lets you send your analytics data to any service you want, without you having to integrate with each one individually.
  • Grails plugin to package Coda Hale's yammer metrics jars Provides the following features: metrics-coremetrics-servlet (wired to the /metrics end point for the app).See the source code documentation on Github for more details.
  • Easygrid Plugin Provides a declarative way of defining Data Grids. It works currently with jqGrid, google visualization and jquery dataTables. 
  • Optimus Plugin Grails Optimus Plugin
  • Grails Database Migration Plugin Grails Database Migration Plugin
  • Grails Postgresql Extensions Plugin This plugin provides support for Postgresql Native Types like Arrays, HStores, JSON,…
  • Grails ZK UI Plugin ZK UI plugin,the same as the ZKGrails plugin, seamlessly integrates ZK with Grails' infrastructures.The different is it more likely to use the Grails' infrastructures such as gsp, controllers rather than zk's zul.
  • OpenID authentication support for the Spring Security plugin. OpenID authentication support for the Spring Security plugin.

Interesting Tweets

Conferences and meetups

Groovy Grails Exchange, London, December 12th - 13th, 2013
GR8conf Europe, Copenhagen, June 2nd -4th, 2014
G48, global, Feb. 28th - March 2nd , 2014
GR8conf Europe, Copenhagen, June 2nd -4th, 2014
SOTR - Scotch on the Rocks, Edinburg, June 5th - 6th, 2014