11 April 2016
This edition of the Grails Diary covers two weeks from the Groovy Ecosystem, and what a couple of weeks it has been. The videos from GR8Day Warsaw is online, and I just returned from the lovely Greach Conference in Madrid.
While a lot of Groovy developpers was gathered in Madrid, Dan Woods used his time instead for generating this emoji for the Grails Slack Channel: :partygrails:. It should however not keep you away from grails.slack.com
The first release candidate of Gradle 2.13-rc1 is ready, and the release notes tells us, we will get an even faster build, support by the tooling API for creating composite builds and convenient testing of plugins with Gradle TestKit.
Kostis Kapelonis, the author of "Java testing with Spock" has published a deck of slides with extensive comparison of Spock versus JUnit.
The leanpub book 'Idiomatic Gradle Plugins’ by Schalk Cronjé is now complete, there is a preview available
The "Learning Ratpack" book by Dan Woods is now also complete, and can be downloaded in the early release version at . If you tweet about Ratpack, the official hashtag is #ratpackweb. I redid my examples for my Geb presentation using Ratpack and with support from the book, it is quite a nice framework.
Andres mentioned during his presentation of Gradle plugins that version 8.0.0 of groovyfx has been released! The jump in version numbers are because of alignment with JavaFX. It is available on bintray
Do you know the little handy wrapper gdup? It uses the Gradle wrapper if present, and gradle otherwise. Find it at github.com/dougborg/gdub
Ken Kousen has done a screencast for O'Reilly, named "Seriously, Use Groovy NOW", you can find it here.
I have collected some (as many as I could find) of the slides and code examples from Greach
This years conference was held in a theatre in the centre of Madrid, and this gave the conference a bit more intimate setting, compared to the university auditorium and classrooms from the last couple of years. Once the (almost mandatory for conferences) issues with wifi was resolved, the technical aspects worked perfectly. Projectors had a nice resolution, and they just worked.
There is an official flickr group for pictures from the conference, where Søren Glasius and JMiguel Rodriguez already have contributed heavily.
All of the talks I saw was of a great quality. Jeff Beck covered 'Ratpack in practice' just before my own session on Geb, but I'll have to revisit that again on the videos are published (in a month or two). Alex Soto did a great job of demoing Jenkins pipeline as code, Kyle Boon introduced me to JOOQ, Andres gave nice Gradle plugin hints, Mario Garcia covered AST's like a pro and Stephan Classens talk on extending Asciidoctor was excellent. And I could continue. With the hard choises, I'll need to check the videos for the opposite track of what I attended.
Personal thanks goes to Giuliano and Leo, for great company, and the hard work of translating this blog into Italian. (Also thank you T.Yamamoto for the Japanese translation).
Please remeber to evaluate the conference if you were there, I hope to be able to attend again next year, and I'm now looking even more forward to GR8Conf Eu in less than two months.
Lastly, don't forget to #unfollowdanveloper, especially when he once again skips Greach :)