The Grails team released version 2.3.2, fixing 42 bugs and including 5 enhancements.
The Groovy team released the third release candidate for Groovy 2.2
The Oredev conference took place during the week, and they have already made the videos available , with several interesting topics, although none directly related to Grails.
Canonical announced their support for Cloud Foundry as the direction for PaaS, marking the Pivotal product as the leading solution.
Blogs, articles, videos etc.
New Plugins
Updated Plugins
Grails Postgresql Extensions Plugin This plugin provides support for Postgresql Native Types like Arrays, HStores, JSON,…
Apache Tomcat 8 plugin Makes Tomcat 8.x the servlet container for Grails at development time
AWS SDK Plugin The AWS SDK Plugin allows your Grails application to use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services.
Plugin Platform UI Platform UI - abstracted UI elements and theming for plugin/application interoperability
Twitter Typeahead resources Provides resource files the Twitter Typeahead library
Plastic Criteria Plugin Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
Hibernate 4 for Grails Provides integration between Grails and Hibernate 4 through GORM
Hibernate 3 for Grails Provides integration between Grails and Hibernate 3 through GORM
Extended Dependency Manager Plugin Provides a simple API in the Grails scripting environment to resolve new libraries from the remote repositories and add them to the various classpaths.
Asynchronous Mail Plugin The plugin realises asynchronous mail sending. It stores messages in the DB and sends them asynchronously by the quartz job.
Plugin Bootstrap CSS framework resource files Provides Bootstrap CSS framework resour
CORS Plugin Installs a servlet filter to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin and other CORS related headers to enable cross site AJAX requests to your Grails application
Redis Plugin The Redis plugin provides integration with a Redis datastore. Redis is a lightning fast 'data structure server'.
ReCaptcha and Mailhide support for Grails. ReCaptcha is a CAPTCHA implementation that has a goal of better digitizing books by having users identify words that traditional OCR systems have missed.
Cxf Client - Support for Soap Service Endpoints Used for easily calling soap web services. Provides wsdl2java grails target to easily generate code into src/java from configured cxf clients..
Grails Font Awesome Resources Plugin Like the jquery-resources plugin that pulls in the jquery javascript lib as a resource, this plugin pulls in Font Awesome. Font Awesome is a very popular font based icon set.
The Google Web Toolkit for Grails. Incorporates GWT into Grails. In particular, GWT host pages can be GSPs and standard Grails services can be used to handle client RPC requests.
Quartz plugin for Grails Adds Quartz job scheduling features
Lightweight Deploy Plugin This plugin is intended to produce a lightweight, deployable grails application. It embeds jetty, and uses a number of the conventions from Dropwizard that make sense. This plugin uses some code from both the standalone plugin by Burt Beckwith and Dropwizard by Codahale.
Logical Delete Plugin Allows you to do a logical deletion of domain classes
JQuery Validation UI Plugin - Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript JQuery Validation UI Plugin - Client Side Validation without writing JavaScript
Grails Bugsnag Plugin Integrates the bugsnag error reporting client and automatically reports exceptions to the bugsnag service.
Remote Pagination Plugin Remote-Pagination plugin provides tags for pagination and to sort columns without page refresh, using ajax and loads only the list of objects needed.
GVPS (Grails Video Pseudo Streamer) Plugin This Grails web application plugin makes it relatively easy to host videos.
Finite State Machine behaviour for domain classes This plugin allow definition of simple workflows attached to domain classes, including states, events, transitions and conditions.
Build Test Data Plugin Enables the easy creation of test data by automatic inspection of constraints. Any properties that are required have their constraints examined and a value is automatically provided for them.
Interesting Tweets
Conferences and meetups
G48, global, Feb. 28th - March 2nd , 2014
Greach, Spain, Feb. /March, 2014