Grails Diary - weeks 48-49 in 2016

13 December 2016

This edition has a cornucopia of news from the Groovy Ecosystem, including videos, articles, releases and more.

Groovy is celebrating Christmas with a placement as number 17 on the Tiobe index for December.

At the G3 Summit, the Grails team presented two new features: the Grails Application Forge and the Guides portal. The Application Forge can be found at, and can be used to get your Grails project strated with the profile and features that you need. It even works using curl through its API. The guides portal at will have guides to getting started on a specific topic. Currently there are 4 guides available:

  • Sending Server Sent Events with Grails
  • Building a REST application with GORM and Hibernate 5
  • Building a REST application with MongoDB
  • Using the React Profile
Rubén Mondéjar is maintaining a sample Grails 3 app, with the library Samples from the Grails user guide. It has just been updated to Grails 3.1.14, Spring Security Plugin 3.1.1 & Mail Plugin 2.0.0.RC6.

Christopher J. Stehno is the man behind Ersatz, a new mock http server, for testing HTTP client code, and it has just been released. The user guide describes how it can be used, and it integrates nicely with Spock.

I have collected some of the slides that have been shared from the G3 Summit:

The new parser (Parrot) for Groovy by Daniel Sun, will support Elvis Assignment (i.e. ?=) so the following will be valid

def a = null
a ?= 1
assert a == 1
And also
def a = 2
a ?= 1
assert a == 2
Daniel is doing a fantastic job, and I am looking forward to the next versions of Groovy.

Sergio del Amo has created a Groovy client to interact with the Grails Spring Security Rest Plugin. The result is available from Jcenter, and you can find the project at Github

Dan Woods, have created a small screencast where he demo's a "Ratpack app from start to running in the cloud in two minutes!", written from scratch to deployed on Heroku. It is a short demo of Ratpack framework, but it shows how little code you need to get started.

Ken Kousen reminded everyone that you can save a bit of disc space, if you occasionally run "sdk flush archives". This assumes you use SdkMan, but who doesn't that ;)

Two Slack related news has appeared for this edition! Søren Berg Glasius is working on a Slack Groovy bot, where the first step is to use AWS Lambda to execute abitrary Groovy Script code in sandbox mode. The Wonky project is a landing page you can point users to fill in their emails and receive an invite for your Slack. If you have not joined the Groovy Slack channel, you should. It is available at

GradleTest 1.0-beta5 is out for compatibility testing in Gradle, thanks to Schalk W. Cronjé

If you need a conference fix for Groovy and related technologies, you are lucky that for GR8COnf India, tickets are 33% of from 12-18 Dec. The full agenda is available on the website. For GR8Conf EU, the 2017 website is now online. This years conference will have workshops in parallel with the conference and an added focus on DevOps including a GR8Conf DevOps day to conclude the conference. Read more in the recent newsletter. The Call for Paper is open for GR8Conf EU 2017 and for Greach 2017.


Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

Updated Grails 3 Plugins

  • spring-security-acl (3.1.0) Grails spring-security-acl plugin.
  • karman-grails (0.10.9) Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local, S3, and Openstack..
  • grails-google-visualization (2.2.1) Grails grails-google-visualization plugin.
  • aws-sdk-dynamodb (2.0.4) Grails AWS SDK DynamoDB plugin.
  • grails-quick-search (0.7.1) Search plugin for domain class properties. Lightweight plugin which puts the ability for searching, it adds utility functions for building the search result into a string format representation sufficient for auto-complete as well as functions for listing the results based on the search query..
  • aws-sdk-ses (2.0.6) Grails AWS SDK SES plugin.
  • grails-isomorphic (1.2) Grails Isomorphic Rendering Plugin.
  • sass-asset-pipeline (2.12.1) Provides fast and easy .sass and .scss file support for Transpiling to CSS. This plugin takes advantage of jsass and libsass for maximum performance..
  • less-asset-pipeline (2.12.1) LESS Compiler for the Asset-Pipeline.
  • handlebars-asset-pipeline (2.12.1) Provides native Handlebars file support in the asset-pipeline. Easily convert .hbs or .handlebars files into javascript template caches for use with the handlebars runtime..
  • ember-asset-pipeline (2.12.1) Compiles hbs or handlebars files for the asset-pipeline into the Ember.TEMPLATES cache.
  • compass-asset-pipeline (2.12.1) Provides Compass/SCSS Build support using the jruby runtime. Any compass project can be adjusted to be built by the asset-pipeline and used in applications..
  • coffee-asset-pipeline (2.12.1) Easily process coffee-script files with the asset-pipeline plugin. Package includes both jvm coffee runtime as well as the ability to use the coffeescript npm module if detected..
  • asset-pipeline-grails (2.12.1) The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript..

Updated Grails 2 Plugins

  • Twitter Bootstrap UI for GR8 CRM This plugin provides Twitter Bootstrap layout for GR8 CRM applications.
  • Content Management Services for GR8 CRM This plugin provide storage and services for managing content in GR8 CRM applications.Content can be any type of media like plain text, Microsoft Word, PDF, and images.Content can be stored in folders or attached to domain instances.Content can be shared with users of the application or shared publicly to the world.

Interesting Tweets