Grails 2.3.6 was released this week, now including the ability to use Gorm outside of Grails, and transactions across multiple datasources. An example of using Gorm outside grails is here.
A serious information disclosure issue with versions of Grails prior to 2.3.6 was discovered. It is not hard to fix, so it is recommended to either upgrade to 2.3.6 or insert the following lines in grails-app/conf/Config.groovy
grails.resources.adhoc.includes = ['/images/**', '/css/**', '/js/**', '/plugins/**']
grails.resources.adhoc.excludes = ['/WEB-INF/**']
More information can be found here and here
The grooscript library to convert Groovy code to Javascript has released a new version: 0.4.4
Videos of presentations
Blogs, articles, etc.
New Plugins
Spud Permalinks Plugin Creates a filter for redirecting urls from one location to another and provides an admin interface for defining these permalinks.
Spud Security Plugin Implements Security, using Spring Security Core, for SpudCore and the rest of the spud suite. Spud Security also provides user models and role models that can be managed from a convenient administrative panel within the spud admin.
Spud Core Plugin Spud Admin is a dependency package that adds a nice looking administrative panel to any project you add it to. It supports easy grails app integration and provides core functionality for spud modules.
Karman AWS Plugin Karman AWS provides an Amazon S3 Interface to the Karman API
Karman Plugin Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local and S3.
Sitemaps Plugin Creates a standard interface for building sitemaps via a common Sitemap Artefact.
Catharsis Widgets Catharsis.Grails.Widgets is a Grails 2 tag library, which provides useful social tags to include on web pages of your site (Cackle, Disqus, Facebook, Google, IntenseDebate,, RuTube, Surfingbird, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, VKontakte, Yandex, YouTube)
Updated Plugins
Plastic Criteria Plugin Mock Grails Criteria for Unit Tests
Spud Core Plugin Spud Admin is a dependency package that adds a nice looking administrative panel to any project you add it to. It supports easy grails app integration and provides core functionality for spud modules.
JavaMelody Grails Plugin Integrate JavaMelody Monitoring into grails application.
Karman Plugin Karman is a standardized / extensible interface plugin for dealing with various cloud services including Local and S3.
Spud Permalinks Plugin Creates a filter for redirecting urls from one location to another and provides an admin interface for defining these permalinks.
Spud Security Plugin Implements Security, using Spring Security Core, for SpudCore and the rest of the spud suite. Spud Security also provides user models and role models that can be managed from a convenient administrative panel within the spud admin.
Asset Pipeline Plugin The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript.
Karman AWS Plugin Karman AWS provides an Amazon S3 Interface to the Karman API
Resources HTML resource management enhancements to replace g.resource etc.
- Plugin The Plugin allows your Grails application to use lets you send your analytics data to any service you want, without you having to integrate with each one individually.
Retina Tag Plugin Adds retina resolution image tag support for asset-pipeline.
Spring Security REST Plugin Implements authentication for REST APIs based on Spring Security. It uses a token-based workflow
Hibernate 4 for Grails Provides integration between Grails and Hibernate 4 through GORM
Prerender Plugin Installs a servlet filter to proxy requests to prerender web service, to provider better SEO for AJAX powered websites. Learn more at
Sitemaps Plugin Creates a standard interface for building sitemaps via a common Sitemap Artefact.
Catharsis Widgets Catharsis.Grails.Widgets is a Grails 2 tag library, which provides useful social tags to include on web pages of your site (Cackle, Disqus, Facebook, Google, IntenseDebate,, RuTube, Surfingbird, Tumblr, Twitter, Vimeo, VKontakte, Yandex, YouTube)
Api Toolkit The Grails API Toolkit is a set of tools that automate alot of the tasks needed to build your API by combining the functionality of REST, RPC and HATEOAS. Some included functionality includes api docs, real time notifications / webhooks, generated headers, responsive content type and more.
Ember.js Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides Ember.js integration with asset-pipeline. Allows for handlebars precompilation as well as scaffolding for building an emberjs application.
Handlebars Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides Handlebars precompiler support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
Grails Apache Nutch alternative Very simple alternative to Apache Nutch created i
iCalendar Plug-in This plugin contains a builder to easily convert your event into the iCalendar format. The plugin hooks replaces each render method that uses the contentType 'text/calendar'.
Apache Tomcat plugin for Grails Makes Tomcat 7.0 the default servlet container for Grails at development time.
Redis Plugin The Redis plugin provides integration with a Redis datastore. Redis is a lightning fast 'data structure server'. The plugin enables a number of memoization techniques to cache results from complex operations in Redis.
Interesting Tweets
@epragt Now that looks interesting:
@aalmiray events are popping up everywhere, like daisies. Don't miss your chance to fun times, schedule a meeting in your area!
@gopivotal Spring Tool Suite and #Groovy #Grails Tool Suite 3.5.0.M2 released
@DailyGrailsTip If goes down, replace grailsCentral() in BuildConfig w/ mavenRepo " " to resolve dependencies
@smaldini @groovylang module extensions and CompileStatic are not the best mates in 2.2.1 - Seems Closure coercion taking over ext
@platypusguy I far prefer to script in #Groovy than bash. My scripts run everywhere and they can leverage great libs and good tools.
@ColinHarrington Gathered some useful git aliases and config: #git
@weceem @weceem 1.2-M1 is released, 1.2 out pretty soon, see
@mrundberget Groovy LightTable plugin 0.0.1 released ! Available through plugin mgr. Simple, but a start: . #Groovy #LightTable
@mojombo Remember, if you intend to open source a library but don't add a license, it's actually copyrighted and can't be used without permission.
@smaldini some @ratpackweb + @ProjectReactor sample : asynchronous composable #REST service :
@venkat_s It's unintelligent to repeat the mistakes of yesterday. Get creative, go make new ones for today.
@CedricChampeau 95.2% line coverage for the type checker. Much better than the average! #groovylang
@sebi2706 Thx Zuckerberg for this awesome ad you made for my talk at @greach_es "Building a clone of Whatsapp with Grails, AeroGear and Cordova" ;)
@aalmiray if this doesn't convince you that #asciidoctor is the future ... I'm afraid more extensions will. coming up in 1.5.0
@pledbrook There's now a Stormpath plugin for Spring Security: - user mgmt and access control as a service
@aalmiray pretty sure we've had colonized the Moon already if it weren't because of Windows
@venkat_s Me: ......coding...... Wife (from next room): "hey, no cursing... except when watching football." Me: (hear | /dev/null) ......coding......
@venkat_s A good mission in life is not to rush to perform what others do, but fill the gaps in a passionate area where others won't.
@musketyr Fixtures for all #groovylang projects! simple-fixtures has been released! Grab it now from #bintray!
@aalmiray Version 0.0.1 of livereload-gradle-plugin has been released! Grab it now from #bintray!
@marcinerdmann Feels like I should show Geb some love. Quite a lot of discussion on the list recently and I haven't touched it for a few months now..
@rfletcherEW Desperately need some headspace to get back into some open source work. Feeling guilty that I haven’t done anything in ages.
@mrundberget Inline evalution of #Groovy scripts in #LightTable just got way cooler. 0.0.2 just out: availabe in plugin-mgr
@realpestano really great comparison on Java cache implementations #Hazelcast #Infinispan #Ehcache
@mscharhag This is why you should use braces for single line if/loop statements
Conferences and meetups
Greach, Madrid - Spain, March 28th -29th, 2014.
GR8conf US, Minneapolis - USA, July 28th-29th, 2014.