Grails Diary - Week 21 in 2014

27 May 2014

This week, Grails 2.4.0 was released. This release includes Groovy 2.3 and Spring 4.0.5, and some of the new features are:

  • Gorm for both Hibernate and MongoDB can be used outside of Grails.
  • GORM Subqueries now have better support for correlated subqueries.
  • GORM for Hibernate in unit tests, with the @TestMixin(HibernateTestMixin) annotation.
  • Maven plugin rewritten to use Aether for dependency resolution
  • The Asset Pipeline plugin is now the default for static resource management
  • Static compilation now for Grails, by the @GrailsCompileStatic annotation, including for dynamic finders
  • Several improvements on Unit Testing

The documentation is updated with the new features!


This is the last Grails Diary before GR8Conf EU - and I'm really looking forward to it!



Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Plugins

  • Jsx Asset Pipeline Plugin Implements JSX to JS compilation in the asset-pipeline plugin.
  • Active Link Tag Plugin This plugin is a wrapper over g:link tag. Plugin providing g:activeLink tag which will add additional css class for g:link according specified condition. It is a translation of RoR "active_link_to".
  • Firebase Grails plugin for Firebase
  • Grails Plugin The Coveralls Plugin allows you to send Grails code coverage report to Coveralls. Coveralls works with your continuous integration server to give you test coverage history and statistics.
  • Jsch Ssh2 Plugin Provides JSCH SSH library and a couple of handy builders to ease use from a grails app.

Updated Plugins

  • Arrested Plugin Generates RESTful controllers for domain classes and maps them in UrlMappings, generates single-page AngularJS-based views, and provides simple token-based security
  • Api Toolkit The Grails API Toolkit is a complete set of API tools and an API abstraction layer that automates alot of the tasks needed to build your API like api docs, real time notifications / webhooks, generated headers, responsive content type and more. This also abstracts the API away from the Controller/model with a more universal API Object that can be defined with roles, rules and definitions for handling the request and response at the front controller.
  • Easygrid Plugin Provides a declarative way of defining Data Grids. It works currently with jqGrid, google visualization and jquery dataTables. Out of the box it provides sorting, filtering, exporting and inline edit just by declaring a grid in a controller and adding a tag to your gsp. It also provides a powerful selection widget ( a direct replacement for drop-boxes )
  • Novamail Plugin The Novamail plug-in provides e-mail sending and retrieving capabilities to a Grails application. It is also capable of sending emails asynchronously by using a scheduled Job.
  • CORS Plugin Installs a servlet filter to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin and other CORS related headers to enable cross site AJAX requests to your Grails application
  • Restapidoc Plugin a RESTful API documentation plugin for the Grails web application framework. Very much inspired by Swagger API documentation, this plugin reuses the available information of Grails Domain classes and Controllers to minimize documentation effort and to improve consistency.
  • ElasticSearch Grails Plugin The revived Elasticsearch plugin for Grails.
  • Catharsis Web Widgets Catharsis.Grails.Widgets is a Grails 2 tag library, which provides useful social media tags to include on web pages of y
  • ReCaptcha and Mailhide support for Grails. ReCaptcha is a CAPTCHA implementation that has a goal of better digitizing books by having users identify words that traditional OCR systems have missed. This plugin uses the ReCaptcha Java library available from
  • Grails Font Awesome Resources Plugin Like the jquery-resources plugin that pulls in the jquery javascript lib as a resource, this plugin pulls in Font Awesome. Font Awesome is a very popular font based icon set. Font based icons are a very convenient means of incorporating icons into a web application and the technique is growing in popularity. Font Awesome probably works best when used with the twitter bootstrap UI framework for which it was designed. From version support for IE7 is gone, since Font Awesome does not suppor...
  • Facebook SDK Plugin The Facebook SDK Plugin allows your Grails application to use the Facebook Platform and develop Facebook apps on or on web sites (with Facebook Connect). It is a port of the official Facebook PHP SDK V3.1.1 to Grails 2.0.
  • AWS SDK Plugin The AWS SDK Plugin allows your Grails application to use the Amazon Web Services infrastructure services. It provides simple wrapper service around the official AWS SDK
  • CKeditor plugin CKeditor web WYSIWYG editor integration plugin.
  • Twitter Typeahead resources Provides resource files the Twitter Typeahead library
  • Plugin Bootstrap CSS framework resource files Provides Bootstrap CSS framework resource files.Bootstrap is a toolkit for kickstarting CSS for websites, apps, and more. It includes base CSS styles for typography, forms, buttons, tables, grids, navigation, alerts, and more. Use version or later with Grails 2.4 To get started with Bootstrap checkout the Bootstrap Documentation!
  • OohLaLog Plugin Grails Oohlalog Log4j Appender for Passing logs to the oohlalog API.
  • Cookie Session Plugin The Cookie Session plugin enables grails applications to store session data in http cookies between requests instead of in memory on the server. This allows application deployments to be more stateless which supports simplified scaling architectures and fault tolerance.
  • Caching Headers Plugin Improve your application performance with browser caching, with easy ways to set caching headers in controller responses
  • Drop Box Plugin for Grails Adds integration with the DropBox API. Here with this plugin you can use all DropBox services within from your Grails application
  • Spring Websocket Plugin Spring Websocket Plugin
  • Flash-Scoped Messages Helper Simplifies and standardizes the process of adding/reading messages in the flash scope, particularly i18n messages that must be retrieved from the files. It provides the following features: Automatically resolves i18n messages when message keys are stored in flash scope Optionally enforces the use of a limited number of flash keys (e.g. info, error, warning) Supports adding multiple messages to the same flash key Allows a Locale and default message argument to be provided ...
  • Grails Google Analytics Plugin Include google analytics script: Async, Traditional and Universal. Add custom vars
  • Spring Security UI User interface extensions for the Spring Security plugin
  • Spud Security Plugin Implements Security, using Spring Security Core, for SpudCore and the rest of the spud suite. Spud Security also provides user models and role models that can be managed from a convenient administrative panel within the spud admin.
  • Apache Tomcat plugin for Grails Makes Tomcat 7.0 the default servlet container for Grails at development time.
  • Hibernate 3 for Grails Provides integration between Grails and Hibernate 3 through GORM
  • Hibernate 4 for Grails Provides integration between Grails and Hibernate 4 through GORM
  • Spring Security OAuth plugin Adds OAuth-based authentication to the Spring Security plugin using the OAuth plugin. This plugin provides an OAuth realm that can easily be integrated into existing applications and a host of utility functions to make things like "log in with Twitter" almost trivial.
  • Spring Security Core Plugin Spring Security Core plugin

Interesting Tweets

Conferences and meetups

GR8conf Europe, Copenhagen - Denmark, June 2nd -4th, 2014.
SOTR - Scotch on the Rocks, Edinburg, June 5th - 6th, 2014
Gradle Summit, Santa Clara, USA, june 12th - 13th, 2014
GR8conf US, Minneapolis - USA, July 28th-29th, 2014.
SpringOne 2GX 2014, Dallas - USA, September 8th - 11th, 2014.
Groovy Grails Exchange, London - GB, December 12th - 13th, 2014
G48, global, TBD