Grails Diary - Week 42 in 2014

19 October 2014

After last weeks release frenzy, this has been a quiet week in the community.

Søren Glasius from the GR8conf crew is working on the new version of It should soon be ready to accept new feeds.

IntelliGrape has published another case study, ViralsGains, build with Grails, for designing a complex platform for a video marketing company.


Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Plugins

  • Smart Case Plugin Provides an easy way to convert between cases for Strings and variable names
  • HTTP Compression Plugin Integrates the ziplet compression filter into Grails for controller content. This plugin replaces the deprecated compressplugin that used the same filter under a different name. Use the asset-pipeline or resources plugin forcompressing static resources.

Updated Plugins

  • Spud Media Plugin Provides Media management for Spud
  • Spud Core Plugin Spud Admin is a dependency package that adds a nice looking administrative panel to any project you add it to. It supports easy grails app integration and provides core functionality for spud modules.
  • Smart Case Plugin Provides an easy way to convert between cases for Strings and variable names
  • JGit Plugin Creates a wrapper around the JGit library.
  • I18nEnums Grails Plugin Adds an enumeration usable on Enums to easy add and implement the MessageSourceResolvable interface
  • Goodform Plugin Create extremely usable complex forms with rules based flow that work well in browsers.Good form features a form definition DSL that allows rapid human readable form creation.
  • Grails err-buddy Plugin Err-buddy Grails client, and LogAppender
  • Easygrid Plugin Provides a declarative way of defining Data Grids. It works currently with jqGrid, google visualization and jquery dataTables. Out of the box it provides sorting, filtering, exporting and inline edit just by declaring a grid in a controller and adding a tag to your gsp. It also provides a powerful selection widget ( a direct replacement for drop-boxes )
  • HTTP Compression Plugin Integrates the ziplet compression filter into Grails for controller content. This plugin replaces the deprecated compressplugin that used the same filter under a different name. Use the asset-pipeline or resources plugin forcompressing static resources.
  • Dynamic Db Config Property Plugin This plugin provides your application the ability to change the config properties without restarting the application. The values in Config.groovy are persisted in database and a set of interfaces manages frequently-used properties.
  • CodeNarc plugin Runs CodeNarc static analysis rules for Groovy source.
  • Twitter Typeahead resources Provides resource files the Twitter Typeahead library
  • Jasypt Encryption Grails integration with Jasypt, allows easy encryption of information, including Hibernate/GORM integration.
  • Swaggydoc Plugin Uses swagger to document Grails Controllers
  • ElasticSearch Grails Plugin The revived Elasticsearch plugin for Grails.
  • Apache Tomcat plugin Makes Tomcat 8.x the servlet container for Grails at development time

Interesting Tweets


Conferences and meetups