Grails Diary - Week 47 in 2014

23 November 2014

This week has been the week of release candidates. The Gradle team is ready with release candidate 2.2.1-rc-1. Spring Boot is out in version 1.2.0.RC2. Both releases are bugfix releases, and they are of course available on GVM.

The Call for Papers are open for and, please submit by January 15th. The Agenda for the Groovy Grails Exchange is also available by now.

Thanks to a contribution from Varun Menon, Geb now supports finding elements using WebDriver's By selectors

The work towards Grails 3.0 has lead to Graeme working on upgrading the Fields plugin to Grails 3


Blogs, Articles, etc.

Updated Plugins

  • Asynchronous Mail Plugin The plugin realises asynchronous mail sending. It stores messages in the DB and sends them asynchronously by the quartz job.
  • Cookie Plugin Makes dealing with cookies easy. Provides an injectable service and expands request with methods to easily get, set, and delete cookies with one line
  • Atmosphere Meteor Plugin This plugin incorporates the Atmosphere Framework, which includes client and server-side components for building asynchronous web applications.
  • Jenjir plugin Plugin to interact with Jenkins : do real time builds. View build version history of a given job, derive summary information. Push Summary to Jira.
  • Arrested Plugin Generates RESTful controllers for domain classes and maps them in UrlMappings, generates single-page AngularJS-based views, and provides simple token-based security
  • Grails GeoIP Plugin This plugin facilitates grails integration with the opensource GeoIP framework offered by MaxMind. Using its straightforward API one can find out the country, area, city, geographical coordinates and others based
  • Cxf Client - Support for Soap Service Endpoints Used for easily calling soap web services. Provides wsdl2java grails target to easily generate code into src/java from configured cxf clients. Ability to dynamically update endpoint at runtime.
  • AngularJS Template Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides AngularJS template support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • Grails Shiro Guard Plugin This plugin is built on top of shiro. It provides a grails guard artifact that is used to guard access to your controllers using shiro permission strings.
  • Jsx Asset Pipeline Plugin Implements JSX to JS compilation in the asset-pipeline plugin.

Interesting Tweets


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