Grails Diary - Week 51 in 2014

23 December 2014

In this christmas edition of the Grails Diary, there is a new bugfix release of Groovy, version 2.3.9 as well as a 4th beta version of the new 2.4. Both are as always available for installation wuth GVM. If you haven't already starred Groovy on Github, do it right now, and make Guillaume happy :)

The Lazybones Project Creation Tool was released in version 0.8, now providing a config command, which enables you to view and manipulate the current saved configuration using the command line. The Lazybones Gradle plugin is now available in version 1.2.3

You can now download a command-line version of Groovyvfs 1.0-beta2.

The Grails Diary from last week is the first that is available in three languages! Giuliano Lo Iacono has made the Italian translation, also for Groovy Weekly, and T.Yamamoto the Japanese translation.

In conference related news,the new website for GR8conf EU is now online. Expect more content to be added soon.

The call for paper for the Spanish Greach Conference and the deadline has been moved to January 18th!. The deadline for the submitting talks to GR8conf EU and US is January 15th.


Merry Christmas to everyone in the GR8 community!



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New Plugins

Updated Plugins

  • Vaadin 7 Plugin Grails plugin integrating Vaadin 7 into the Grails project.
  • ReCaptcha and Mailhide support for Grails. Protect your website from spam and abuse while letting real people pass through with ease.
  • Websocket Chat Plugin Default WebSocket Multi-chat room plugin, supports Admin privilages, kicking banning users. Webcam support for chrome/firefox. WebRTC (audio/video) support 0.24+
  • I18n Asset Pipeline Plugin An asset-pipeline plugin for client-side i18n. It generates JavaScript files from i18n resources for use in client-side code.
  • Jersey Request Builder Plugin Provides the Jersey client library and a builder to simplify use of the library.
  • Groovations - The Groovy Migrations Plugin Automatically run Groovy based migration scripts. Grails console scripts are powerful tools for performing data migrations, since they have access to business logic and domain classes. Running these scripts manually means that sometimes these scripts do not get run on all environments and there is no visibility into what scripts have been run or need t
  • AngularJS Resources Plugin Angular JS resources plugin
  • j2ssh SSH Plugin Uses the j2ssh library to provide ssh access via web interface.You can either use default Websockets method which is a live interaction with your backend ssh connection(s) or use ajax polling which only supports 1 concurrent connection at any one time.
  • Quick Search Plugin Search plugin for domain class properties. Lightweight plugin which puts the ability for searching, it adds utility functions for building the search result into a string format representation sufficient for auto-complete as well as functions for listing the results based on the search query.

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