Grails Diary - Week 52 in 2014

30 December 2014

The christmas present from the Groovy team, is the first release candidate for 2.4, get it via Gvm. Guillaume has written a blog on the content of the 2.4 release

Tim Yates has been busy, and has released groovy-common-extensions in version 0.6.0, which adds usefull extensions to Groovy, and version 0.9.0 of groovy-stream, providing repeat() and repeat(count) methods in as new additions.

JITWatch, a log analyser and visualiser for the HotSpot JIT compiler now has with Groovy support

At Agile Learner by Venkat Subramaniam it is now possible to search for the free videos, where lots of them demoes Groovy functionality. Check out all the free videos.

Translations of the Grails Diary is available in the Japanese by T.Yamamoto and in Italian by Giuliano Lo Iacono. Guiliano also translates the Groovy Weekly newsletter by Guillaume Laforge.

This week, it was time for GR8conf US to launch the new conference website for 2015. Remember the call for paper is still open for GR8conf EU and US (deadline January 15th), and for Greach Conf (deadline January 18th). The Lanyard page for Greach Conf is also ready. Finally, it is about last chance to secure a ticket for GrailsConf India, as it happens January 10th!


Happy Newyear to everyone in the GR8 community!


Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Plugins

  • ICU Support Plugin Provides the ICU4J message formatting features, such as named arguments support, flexible plural formatting, rule based number format, date interval formats, etc.

Updated Plugins

  • Asset Pipeline Plugin The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript.
  • RestApiDoc Plugin The RestApiDoc plugin allows to document your Grails Rest API. Thanks to some Annotations (@), you will be ready to build a full API report (with a playground to perform test request). The plugin is based on jsondoc.
  • Websocket Chat Plugin Default WebSocket Multi-chat room plugin, supports Admin privilages, kicking banning users. Webcam support for chrome/firefox. WebRTC (audio/video & screen) support 0.24+
  • Swaggydoc Plugin Uses swagger to document Grails Controllers

Interesting Tweets


Conferences and meetups