Grails Diary - Week 3 in 2015

19 January 2015

The biggest news in this weeks diary is, as you may have heard, that Pivotal will stop funding both Groovy and Grails from the end of March.

The official news from Pivotal is this: Groovy 2.4 And Grails 3.0 To Be Last Major Releases Under Pivotal Sponsorship, describing the reasons and terms. A large thanks to Pivotal for sponsoring Groovy and Grails!

Project lead of the Groovy team Guillaume blogged The Groovy project is looking for a new home, and mentions you can contact the Groovy and Grails team directly, if you or your company is interested in discussing funding for either Groovy and/or Grails by email:

Graeme, the Grails project lead, likewise blogged: The Future of Groovy & Grails Sponsorship. Graeme also mentions that Grails 3.0 will be released before the March 31st deadline for funding, and that both Groovy and Grails will continue as open source project.

Cedric blogged his thought in Looking for a new job, and Voxxed already have an artile with an interview with Guillaume: Pivotal’s “Sad and Odd” Decision to Set Groovy Adrift, so has InfoQ: Pivotal Pulls Groovy/Grails Funding. There's also a few god answers on what the future brings in this thread on Google+

Jeff Scott Brown pragmatically sums it up in a tweet:

My personal thanks to both the Groovy team and the Grails team, for providing these great technologies (with support of the community). Good luck on finding a new home, I sincerely hope a company or organisation wil be wise enough to sponsor this great language and framework! #jesuisgroovy

In other Grails related news, you can check out the new website on github at Also on Github, all previous Grails releases.

Sergey Egorov has released version 0.3.0 of groovy-macro-methods, available at bintray. Grooscript will have a new release cadidate for 1.0.0 and a new Gradle plugin as soon as Groovy 1.0.0 is ready, most likely in this comming week.

Slides from Dan Woods webcast on Ratpack is avalable on slideshare

Greach has confirmed more speakers: Russel Winder, Jennifer Strater, Burt Beckwith and Jochen Theodorou.


Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Plugins

  • Chinese Seo Friendly Urls Plugin Helps to easily convert any string into a SEO-friendly one, eg from "The Lord of the Rings" to "the-lord-of-the-rings".Useful if you want SEO-friendly URL's like /book/the-lord-of-the-rings instead of /book/show/123.
  • Film Strip Plugin Creates a nice HTML-view showing all screenshots generated by Geb.

Updated Plugins

  • Plugin Bootstrap CSS framework resource files Provides Bootstrap CSS framework resour
  • Api Toolkit The Grails API Toolkit is a complete set of API tools and an API abstraction layer that automates alot of the tasks needed to build your API like api docs, real time notifications / webhooks, generated headers, responsive content type and more. This also abstracts the API away from the Controller/model with a more universal API Object that can be defined with roles, rules and definitions for handling the request and response at the front controller.
  • Grails err-buddy Plugin Err-buddy Grails client, and LogAppender
  • Grails Url shortener This is a grails plugin that integrates a custom url shortener inside your Grails application.
  • j2ssh SSH Plugin Uses the j2ssh library to provide ssh access via web interface. You can either use default Websockets method which is a live interaction with your back-end ssh connection(s) or use Ajax polling which only supports 1 concurrent connection at any one time.
  • Recurly Plugin Recurly Grails API.
  • Build Test Data Plugin Enables the easy creation of test data by automatic inspection of constraints. Any properties that are required have their constraints examined and a value is automatically provided for them.
  • Disqus Plugin Embed Disqus system into your application. To simplify the usage of Disqus you can use this plugin. Simple add disqus tag into the pages where you want to allow users to comment stuff.
  • Burning Image Image manipulation plugin that allows you to easily attach images to any domain class via an annotation. You can also configure the plugin to scale images and perform other operation.
  • Grails Application Version Update Plugin Provides a more friendly way to update your application or plugin version.
  • GraniteDS Plugin Integration between Grails and GraniteDS/Flex
  • Resources HTML resource management enhancements to replace g.resource etc.

Interesting Tweets


Conferences and meetups