Grails Diary - Week 10 in 2015

09 March 2015

Last week was a huge release week, and this week, it is blogging time. There are many interesting articles in the blog section.

Biggest news of this week is the Groovy Projects intends to join the Apache Software Foundation. The proposal for incubation is in the process of being submitted. The ADTMag has an article based on an interview with Guillaume

If you think Groovy is dead, think again! Cédric Champeau has done a bit of statistics on the commits to Groovy, and in Who is Groovy?. Spoiler alert: Congrats to Paul King for being Mr. Groovy

The Geb framework is quickly adopting the new Spock 1.0 release, thanks to project lead Marcin Erdman:

The GVM tool is updated to version 2.3.0, now with the gvm outdated command, showing which of the installed projects have newer versions than you.

Andres Almiray points out, that there are already 10 Hackergarden meetings scheduled in this spring! And a good chance of a few more!

The next version of Ratpack will feature slick new Groovy Extensions for RxJava and Reactive Streams!. The recently released version does come with support for Slf4j's MDC. If you have questions about #Ratpack or need help getting started? The forum is a great place!, it's an active and growing community!

If you are attending Greach (which you should), you can also attend a Meetup with the GR8Ladies, hosted by Jenn Strater. Sign up here!


Blogs, Articles, etc.

Updated Plugins

  • Grails Markup Sanitizer Plugin Plugin for Sanitizing Markup(HTML, XHTML, CSS) using OWASP AntiSamy.
  • Attachmentable Plugin A plugin that allows you to add attachments to domain classes in a generic manner.
  • Cookie Plugin Makes dealing with cookies easy. Provides an injectable service and expands request with methods to easily get, set, and delete cookies with one line
  • Shiro CAS Plugin Enables Grails applications to use JASIG CAS for single sign-on with Apache Shiro
  • SASS/SCSS Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides SASS/SCSS Compass support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • Asset Pipeline Plugin The Asset-Pipeline is a plugin used for managing and processing static assets in Grails applications. Asset-Pipeline functions include processing and minification of both CSS and JavaScript files. It is also capable of being extended to compile custom static assets, such as CoffeeScript.
  • ElasticSearch Grails Plugin The revived Elasticsearch plugin for Grails.

Interesting Tweets


Conferences and meetups