Grails Diary - Week 14 in 2015

06 April 2015

This week the final version of Grails 3.0 arrived - and the first patched version 3.0.1. due to issues in war file creation. Great work by the core team! Graeme has written a blog on Grails 3.0 Released and the Road Ahead that is worth a read. One thing to notice is how scaffolding is done in Grails 3.0, you need to generate the views and use the @Resource annotation on the domain class. This thread from the mailing list has the details: grails 3 - dynamic scaffolding?

The incubation of Groovy to the Apache Software Foundation is progressing, and the latest result is the new Jira hosted at Apache SF. Cedric also mentions that a href="" target="_blank">"the new Groovydocumentation PDF is already 630 pages long and all code is tested. .

The Ratpack team did not fail in bringing an April release, delivering Ratpack 0.9.15. Also released are SwissKnife v1.2.3 asisting Android development with Groovy, 1.0.3 of Spock Subjects-Collaborators Extension, Springboot 1.2.3, and version 1.5.0 of Elasticsearch Groovy client

Peter Ledbrook has started writing another book, this time: "Practical Groovy". The first chapters are available for review, at github, and feedback is welcome as Github issues. Read more on the project in Peters blog post.

Ted Naleid asks for feedback on the build-test-data plugin, before upgrading it to Grails 3.0. Supply it at It is among the first plugins that I install on a new Grails project.

Guillaume has started blogging weekly on This week in API land, a bit like his This week in Groovy series. The latest is an Easter version :)

Gradle has an all new forum powered by Discourse, found at

Registration is now open for GR8Conf US with quite an impressiove lineup. Registration for the EU version is also open

The next edition of the Grails Diary will be the Greach-conference edition, as I'm looking forward to a trip to a Madrid later this week. If you are also there, I'm available for smalltalk and recommendations/feedback for the Diary.


Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Plugins

Updated Plugins

  • AWS Org-User-Team Plugin Uses AWS DynamoDB to store relationships between Orgs, Users and Teams.
  • Grails AWS Plugin Amazon Web Services (AWS) grails plugin provides easy access to simpler functions of AWS
  • LESS Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides LESS support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • Remote Control Remotely control a Grails application (for functional testing)
  • AWS Instance Utilizes a single (thread-safe) AWS Client Instance to access AWS Services: SES, SQS, DynamoDB, S3, Mobile Analytics
  • Swaggydoc Plugin Uses swagger to document Grails Controllers
  • Audit Logging Plugin Automatically log change events for domain objects. The Audit Logging plugin additionally adds an instance hook to domain objects that allows you to hang Audit events off of them. The events include onSave, onChange, and onDelete. When called, the event handlers have access to oldObj and newObj definitions that will allow you to take action on what has changed.
  • Drools Plugin This plugin integrates the Drools Business Rules Management System.
  • Spring Security REST Plugin Implements authentication for REST APIs based on Spring Security. It uses a token-based workflow
  • Taggable Plugin A plugin that adds a generic mechanism for tagging data.
  • j2ssh SSH Plugin Java J2SSH library combined with default websockets to provide your Grails web application with live SSH interaction functionality. Version 1 New Client/Server Websocket call: Make multiple connections and broadcast commands to a group of servers. You can either use default Websockets method which is a live interaction with your back-end ssh connection(s) or use Ajax polling which only supports 1 concurrent connection at any one time.
  • UML Class Diagram Plugin Generate UML class diagrams from your Grails app source code.
  • Jaxrs Support for Security Security Enables Spring Security support for the JAX-RS plugin.
  • Spud Core Plugin Spud Admin is a dependency package that adds a nice looking administrative panel to any project you add it to. It supports easy grails app integration and provides core functionality for spud modules.
  • CoffeeScript Asset-Pipeline Plugin Provides coffee-script support for the asset-pipeline static asset management plugin.
  • Redis Etag Plugin Works in pair with the Grails cache-headers plugin, providing a solution to generate, storeand retrieve ETag values in Redis, avoiding DB hits. Redis is thus used as a central cache forETags, and the plugin can be used by multiple instances of the same applicationthat will share the same "ETag repository".
  • Apache Tomcat plugin Makes Tomcat 8.x the servlet container for Grails at development time
  • Cookie Session Plugin The Cookie Session plugin enables grails applications to store session data in http cookies between requests instead of in memory on the server. This allows application deployments to be more stateless which supports simplified scaling architectures and fault tolerance.

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