Grails Diary - Week 20 in 2015

19 May 2015

At a first glance, this appeared to be a quiet week, but I was wrong. There are quite a few blogs, videos releases and other news this week: The Groovy Community never disappoints!

As a great help for Gradle Plugin authors, Schalk Cronjé is working on the GradleTest Gradle plugin, for testing compatibility with various versions on Gradle. You can supply input to features that should be included in version 1.0 at

Gretty, the Gradle plugin for running webapps on Tomcat & Jetty now available in version 1.2.3, see the full list of updates

Kostis Kapelonis is ready with chapter 4 of the "Java Testing with Spock" in the Manning MEAP program. After several tries, it appears there wil be a Spock book ;)

For the GVM tool, the Gradle GVM SDK Vendor Plugin is now available on the Gradle Plugin Portal. If you're an SDK vendor, you should get it:

Craig Burke has updated the Lazybones template for angular and Grails to Grails 3.0.1, and his angular-grails test app, and reports the update was very painless! Sounds like the update to Grails 3.0 is not as hard as expected

In case you missed your ticket for GR8conf EU, you can still get the Early Bird ticket for GR8Conf US, official hotel information for the conference.

One speaker who appear to really be looking forward to GR8conf EU can be seen in this funky video


Podcasts and Videos of Presentations

Blogs, Articles, etc.

New Plugins

Updated Plugins

  • CORS Plugin Installs a servlet filter to set Access-Control-Allow-Origin and other CORS related headers to enable cross site AJAX requests to your Grails application
  • GR8 CRM Tagging Support Provides tagging support for GR8 CRM applications
  • Drools Plugin This plugin integrates the Drools Business Rules Management System.
  • Grails Font Awesome Resources Plugin Like the jquery-resources plugin that pulls in the jquery javascript lib as a resource, this plugin pulls in Font Awesome. Font Awesome is a very popular font based icon set. Font based icons are a very convenient means of incorporating icons into a web application and the technique is growing in popularity. Font Awesome probably works best when used with the twitter bootstrap UI framework for which it was designed.From version support for IE7 is gone, since Font Awesome does not support...
  • Console Plugin A web-based Groovy console for interactive runtime application management and debugging
  • AWS Instance Utilizes a single (thread-safe) AWS Client Instance to access AWS Services: SES, SQS, DynamoDB, S3, Mobile Analytics
  • Dynamic Logs With Rabbit Plugin Allows you to dynamically change log levels on all instances listening to a particular topic via RabbitMQ Messages.
  • Rabbitmq Native Plugin The native RabbitMQ Grails plugin provides easily consumable messaging functionality.
  • Pin Payments integration for Grails. The Grails Pin Payments plugin provides an easy way to access the Pin Paymen
  • Basic Security Features for GR8 CRM This plugin provides basic security feature for GR8 CRM. Specific security implementations exists for Apache Shiro (crm-security-shiro).
  • AjaxAnywhere Grails Plugin Integrates the AjaxAnywhere (Reloaded) library with the Grails framework.
  • Apache Tomcat plugin Makes Tomcat 8.x the servlet container for Grails at development time

Interesting Tweets


Conferences and meetups